This information is provided pursuant to articles 13, paragraph 1, and 14, paragraph 1, of the European Regulation for the protection of personal data (GDPR) n. 679/2016, to those who interact exclusively with this website and any third-level domains connected to it.
However, the information is not provided for third-party sites that may be consulted through the links on the site.
This document contains all the information necessary to make the interested party aware of the rules for the processing and management of data collected through the site.
The data controller is Arca Etichette SPA., P.I. IT04875560155, Via Edison, 119 – 20010 Marcallo (MI) ITALY.
The data controller has appointed a DPO – Data Protection Officer who can be contacted at the following e-mail address:
While browsing the site, data of a different nature may be collected, some of which will be acquired automatically, while others only with the consent of the interested party.
Specifically, the data collected through the website are as follows:
Technical data
The technical data that will be processed are: IP address (internet protocol), date and time of visit, browser used, the physical address of the device from which the connection is made (so-called MAC Address), the addresses in of the requested resources, cookies. The acquisition of technical data is implicit in the functioning of the website itself and never involves identification of the interested party.
- Cookies
Cookies are small files that the site, or a third-party site, sends to the user’s terminal where they are stored before being re-transmitted to the same sites when necessary. The site uses the following types of cookies: The website does not use profiling cookies, but only technical cookies. Technical cookies are anonymous cookies whose acquisition is necessary to allow the interested party to navigate the site and use all its functions. Their presence also makes it faster and faster to browse and use the web, because for example they intervene to facilitate certain procedures when making online purchases, when authenticating in restricted access areas or when a website automatically recognizes the favourite language. Specifically, the technical cookies used are: - Functionality or preference cookies: these are those that allow the functionality choices pre-selected by the interested party to be memorized, for example those of language or geographical area.
- Browsing cookies: are those that guarantee normal navigation and use of the website (allowing, for example, to make a purchase or authenticate to access restricted areas).
- Technical cookies will be available for automatic deletion by the browser according to the methods provided by the same.
- Personal data
All the common data supplied by you in the use of the services of the Site will be processed, such as, for example, name, surname, e-mail address and any other personal data that you may provide us through the appropriate «contact» space. We recommend that you do not enter data of a particular nature in this field.
The legal basis for the processing of personal data of the interested party is consent.
The collected data will be used for the following purposes:
to. allow the interested party to be able to request and receive information, written or verbal;
b. allow you to send your application to work at the company;
c. allow the interested party to subscribe to the newsletter;
d. perform statistical analysis anonymously.
The provision of personal data is optional. Failure to provide the requested personal data will not allow the interested party to use the services provided through the site, excluding navigation.
The personal data of the interested party will be kept for n. 5 years.
The personal data of the interested party are processed at the headquarters of the owner, but could be transferred for data security purposes also to different subjects, appointed as data processors, based in Italy or in any case within the European Union. The interested party can contact the data controller to get all the information in relation to this transfer and to the responsible subjects.
The data processing takes place both through paper supports and through the aid of electronic tools. The data provided and the other data communicated and referable to third parties will be: a) treated in a lawful and correct manner; b) collected and recorded for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and used in other processing operations in terms compatible with these purposes; c) correct or, in any case, corresponding to the information provided to us; d) pertinent, complete and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which they are collected or subsequently processed; e) kept in a form that allows identification of the interested party for a period of time not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or subsequently processed.
Specific and adequate technical and organizational security measures are adopted pursuant to art. 32 of the European Regulation to minimize the risk of destruction, loss of data, illicit or incorrect use, unauthorized access or processing that is not permitted or does not comply with the purposes for which they were acquired.
The data provided by the interested party will be communicated exclusively to qualified third parties and only where necessary for the performance of the services requested or for legal obligations, with a guarantee of protection of the rights of the interested party and in compliance with the European Regulation and the Privacy Code, appropriately appointed data processors or data processors, or to subjects to whom the communication of data is due by virtue of the provisions of the law or regulation. In particular, your data may be communicated to:
– persons, entities or Authorities to whom the communication of your personal data is mandatory by virtue of the provisions of the law or regulation;
– persons, companies or professional firms that provide assistance and advice to the Data Controller in accounting, administrative, tax, legal matters;
– people, companies or professional studios that provide instrumental and/or necessary activities for the provision of the Services provided through the Site;
– natural persons authorized by Arca Etichette Spa who are committed to confidentiality or have an adequate legal obligation of confidentiality (e.g. employees and collaborators);
Your personal data will not be disclosed.
In some cases (such as your use of social plugins provided by LinkedIn and Instagram), your personal data may be processed outside the European Economic Area. The transfer may take place both to third countries that ensure an adequate level of data protection of the data subjects on the basis of an adequacy decision adopted by the European Commission, and to countries that do not ensure an adequate level of protection of the personal data of the data subjects, but in in this case the transfer will only take place
a) subject to the adoption of appropriate guarantees (such as entering into data transfer agreements that ensure an adequate level of protection for your data)
b) if it is necessary for the conclusion of the contract or the fulfillment of contractual obligations between us.
We remind you that you have the right at any time to:
– ask us for confirmation as to whether or not personal data relating to you are being processed and if so, and obtain access to such data, as well as all information relating to the processing;
– receive a copy of the personal data being processed;
– rectify inaccurate data or integrate incomplete ones;
– request the cancellation of personal data concerning you, where the conditions are met;
– request the limitation of the processing of your personal data, where the conditions are met;
– request and obtain – in the cases in which the legal basis of the processing is consent, and the same is carried out by automated means – personal data in a structured and readable format from an automatic device, also for the purpose of communicating such data to another data controller (so-called right to the portability of personal data);
– object at any time to the processing of personal data in the event of particular situations;
– revoke consent to data processing at any time, limited to cases in which the processing is based on consent for one or more specific purposes. In any case, the processing carried out prior to the withdrawal of consent retains its lawfulness.
For any information regarding the processing of data by Arca Etichette SPA, you can write to the following address: or contact the DPO – Data Protection Officer at the following address
The interested party always has the right to lodge a complaint with the Guarantor Authority for the protection of personal data ( .